Orders need to be manually submitted through the Agline website.
Products that are Dropship Unavailable will usually become available once we’ve had an opportunity to calculate shipping costs.
Items that are too bulky, fragile, or otherwise not suited to dropshipping can be ordered over the phone or email; but they will be pick-up only and our usual $250 minimum order value will apply.
We’re happy to receive parcels addressed to “{YOURSTORE} Returns, 110 Levels Road, Cavan SA 5094”.
Note that we can’t credit goods that have had their labels removed or have become dirty. We also can’t accept returns for food, medicine, or supplements unless there’s something wrong with them, ie. recalled, out of date, received damaged, etc. A restocking fee of 10% applies to change of mind product returns.
Please read our Dropship Return Policy page for more information.
Yes. We publish a spreadsheet of all of our stock levels that updates every 5 minutes.
The CSV file can be found at this address: https://www.agline.com/stock-level-csv/
Stores using Shopify can update their inventory levels using Stock Sync for Shopify. For WooCommerce Stores, we recommend WP All Import.
Products will need to be created manually on your website. The product weight and barcode data is available in a CSV file that you may import into your eCommerce software.
Rather than provide a means of mass-importing products, we ask dropship customers to carefully select the products they would like to stock and create them manually. This is to enforce some diversity among our dropship customers and prevent hundreds of cookie-cutter stores stocking our exact product range and nothing else.