Stay Loyal have a customer loyalty program that offers: ‘Buy 10 bags of the same product and size and receive the 11th bag FREE’.
Stay Loyal advertise this deal by issuing Loyalty Cards, which retailers can pass on to their customers. Retailers just need to retain any receipts showing proof of a Stay Loyal bag purchase.
Once a customer has purchased 10 bags of the same size, the 11th bag can be provided to them for free. The retailer can then have this bag replaced through a loyalty claim. Agline will process this claim and pass it along to Stay Loyal.
For these claims to be processed, the retailer needs to email through scans of their customer’s completed Loyalty Card to Agline, along with scans of the sales receipts showing proof of Stay Loyal bag purchases. There is also a Loyalty Claim Form that needs to be completed and returned to Agline for us to process your claim.
An example of the Stay Loyal Loyalty Card is shown below:

The editable Loyalty Claim Form can be downloaded below.
Please contact Agline directly for cards as required. There is also some promotional material available that can be issued to retailers to assist in the advertisement of this deal.